Presented Abstracts

FLOW-AF: A Randomized Controlled Trial of EGF-Guided Ablation in Redo Patients with Non-Paroxysmal AF
Inter-Procedural Reproducibility of EGF Mapping Between Procedures Separated by 3 Months or Longer
Phenotyping Persistent AF with EGF Mapping
EGF Consistency Correlates with High-Density Bipolar Voltage Maps in Sinus Rhythm and AF
Characterization of EGF-Identified Source Signatures in Sinus Rhythm and AF
LA v. RA EGF Consistency in Persistent AF
Atrial Arrhythmia Prediction Using EGF Mapping Metrics


Friday, May 19
9:42-9:54am CST
FLOW-AF: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Electrographic Flow-Guided Ablation in Redo Patients with Non-Paroxysmal Atrial FibrillationVivek Reddy, MDRoom 344 – Morial Convention Center (MCC)AB-453070-2 
Friday, May 19
2:30-4:30pm CST
Phenotyping Persistent AF with EGF MappingVivek Reddy, MDAbstract Pavilion, MCCPO-01-195
Friday, May 19
2:30-4:30pm CST
Inter-Procedural Reproducibility of Electrographic Flow Mapping Between Procedures Separated by 3 Months or LongerPetr Neuzil, MD, PhDAbstract Pavilion, MCCPO-01-072
Saturday, May 20
10:30am-12:30pm CST
Electrographic Flow Consistency Correlates with High-Density Bipolar Voltage Maps in Sinus Rhythm and Atrial FibrillationDavid Haines, MDAbstract Pavilion, MCCPO-02-205
Saturday, May 20
10:30am-12:30pm CST
Atrial Arrhythmia Prediction Using Electrographic Flow Mapping MetricsJohn Hummel, MDAbstract Pavilion, MCCPO-02-189
Sunday, May 21
9:30-11:30am CST
Characterization of EGF-Identified Source Signatures in Sinus Rhythm and Atrial FibrillationPhilipp Sommer, MD andDavid Haines, MDAbstract Pavilion, MCCPO-04-093
Sunday, May 21
9:30-11:30am CST
Left Atrial v. Right Atrial Electrographic Flow Consistency in Persistent Atrial FibrillationSandeep Goyal, MDAbstract Pavilion, MCCPO-04-035